Finally Some Good

Something about this week was extra stressful. For not having any majorly hard classes, this week seemed like hell. I'm not too sure if it's my over emotional state of mind, the overthinking about 'not being creative enough' to write, or both at the same time. I guess it's also kind of boring how all I can think of writing about is my stress through out the week. As for my personal essay, I spent maybe a few hours total trying to come up with a theme and topic for my personal essay. I have a general idea on where I want to go with it but, the execution is a work-in-progress. It feels like I'm embarrassed or like I'm scared to share what I want to, fear of judgment is something that's always been with me.

Luckily for me, I actually came up with a topic for my history essay. I guess that's something to be happy about? Now there's only the anxiety of it being approved or not and the mental preparation to talk to my professor if my paper says "see me."

So what are some good things that happened lately? I haven't hung out with my friends in a long while so I made plans to go out to eat with someone I don't see as often. It was refreshing catching up on life and honestly relieving to clear my head.


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