Long Time, No See

 Like I said, my friends moved away for college about a month ago. Lucky for me they came home this Labor Day Weekend. To make it even better, I had a 5 day weekend rather than 3 days. It might not seem that special to most, but for me it was. Even though they've only been gone for a little, it was so nice to catch up on everything I missed.

On a side note, while they were here, we went to see the new Shang-Chi movie. I always say this when I see a new movie in theaters, but that was by far the best movie I have ever seen. Also, I'm not an expert in film and I don't catch on to foreshadowing and other messages. But the acting, the comedy, and the action really made it enjoyable rather than being like "when is this scene going to be over." Other than that, there's nothing too spectacular to share.


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