Writing is 'Fun'

College is exactly what I expected. Now that I'm actually here, it's worse going through it than just thinking about it. One of my weaknesses is writing. Ironic that I'm writing about not being able to write. Lucky for me, I have about three essays, two of which are minimum 4-5 pages, coming up soon. The personal essay coming up seems easy as it is, right? It's about me so it should be pretty easy, right? Wrong. While thinking about what I should write, I've realized that either a) my life is boring, b) I have memory loss, or c) both. As for my other essay? I simply do not want to talk about it. Seeming that I lack creativity, coming up with an argumentative essay topic for ~history~ is not that easy for me. How am I supposed to argue Galileo and Isaac Newton? They're literally dead.


  1. This image is the perfect companion to this text! You are a good writer, Hope. Keep the faith and keep writing!


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