Baggin it

We've finally hit week 9 and let's just say it's been an interesting experience. Thankfully, I only had one midterm test. You would think this would be an easy A but thanks to my terrible study habits, it was definitely not so easy. I thought history was easy, just memorizing really. But cramming 20 different dates in a collective two hours is apparently not for me. I highly do not recommend waiting last minute before the test to study.

On the bright side of all things, I got a job! My heart racing and mouth getting drier than the Sahara Desert wasn't for nothing! I get a sneaking suspicion that I am going to want to quit within the first month but we'll just have to see how it goes. Catch me being your grocery bagger at Stracks.

This week actually has been great I felt a lot happier than usual and I feel like my confidence has been boosted even more. Still working on a lot, but I've made a lot of progress.


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