
 This week finally looked out for me. I feel as if I gained some sort of confidence over night. I felt happier with myself and my school work, probably because I have 2 classes with 'real' assignments.

I finally mustered up the courage to talk to my professor, it probably shouldn't be that big of a deal but social anxiety is no joke apparently. Maybe that's why I felt better with myself because I finally did something mildly accomplishing for myself.

Also, the personal essay for this class took me quite awhile to even think of something remotely interesting in my life. I think I did an okay job on it though,  my topic was something that I'm really affected by, but I'm not sure on if the quality of writing was good enough. I guess my grade will be the judge of that.


  1. Grades aren't everything, Hope! Cling to that accomplishement of stepping out boldly! I'm proud of and happy for you!


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